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Caru Llama Farm

As a Developmental Therapist, I started an animal therapy program and wanted to add a llama to my menagerie. I quickly fell in love with llamas and decided to focus solely on breeding them, placing all my other exotic animals in new homes. We also showed American Saddlebred horses with a World Reserve Championship 3 Gaited Junior Exhibitor title on "The Supremes", After breeding her with her first filly, we retired from the horse show ring. We have been breeding quality llamas for over 20 years. Chromium ET, a heavy wool male, was our first herdsire and marked the beginning of our quest to produce silver and grey llama bloodlines. Today, we have llamas with as many as four generations of silver and grey genetics, which we share with other breeders. In addition to silver and grey llamas, our farm produces a variety of colors and different types of llama wool, including suri, silky, medium, and heavy wool.



Caru Sodaat
chromium et male llama my story

Chromium ET


We aim to breed show-quality llamas with excellent conformation and temperament for both breeding stock and pets. We also offer llama guard animals. Our continuous efforts to improve our livestock focus on producing our vision of beauty, and we carefully select llamas to complement our foundation herd. From birth, our crias are handled to help desensitize them and familiarize them with humans. We train all our babies on hiking trails in the woods, ensuring they are ready for their new homes with our customers. We invite you to visit our farm and hike in the woods with your potential new llama companion.

​In addition to showing llamas, I show and breed Siamese cats.

Caru Sodaat

I always knew that I would have Siamese cats when I was on my own.  Years later, I started Caru Cattery.  Recently with a female "Gr Ch Kitvitz Laris of Caru," I was showing her for her grand championship when I saw a stunning male Siamese kitten at a show for sale to be my Siamese stud. To my surprise, it was from Clowntown Cattery, a breeder from my past, Howard Webster, who was there as a friend when I got my first show Siamese cat over 40 years ago.  The rest is history.

I have my llama farm, Caru Llamas, as well as Caru Cattery; they complement each other with my passion for animals!

Ch Clowntown Leviosa of Caru
GR CH Kibitz Laris of Caru blue point siamese female
Siamese Kittens in Illinois
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